Teeth Cleaning in Mahim

Does your teeth have stains? Visit us at Suyog dental care and implant centre to get a teeth cleaning in Mahim, Mumbai.
Our smile is a very integral part of our beauty! A white and bright smile can enhance our look better that any jewellery. Yellowish teeth and stained teeth can actually take away that spark. So if you are having any such issues without any further delay you can visit our clinic for a teeth cleaning in Mahim.
What is the procedure for teeth cleaning?
The process of teeth cleaning is known as oral prophylaxis or ultrasonic scaling. It involves a particular instrument known as an ultrasonic scaler. This instrument is used to clean all the stains and calculus from your teeth to give it a brighter and whiter look.
How does the ultrasonic scaler work?
The ultrasonic scaler is a specialised instrument for scaling and it works by means of vibration.
Who needs a teeth cleaning?
There are so many of us with stained teeth. But we don’t know what to do about it. No matter how many times we brush, the stain remains. For such stains, an oral prophylaxis is the only cure. Other than that, there are people who suffer from bad breath and bleeding gums. For such patients, ultrasonic scaling is the treatment of choice.
What makes the gums bleed?
Bleeding gums is a result of infection involving the gingiva caused by stains and calculus deposition. In common terms it is known as pyrexia. This also results in bad breath. The only treatment for bleeding gums and bad breath is to get an oral prophylaxis done as early as possible.
Does teeth cleaning affect the tooth enamel?
No, teeth cleaning by means of ultrasonic scaler doesn’t affect the tooth enamel. There is an old thought that scaling can actually make your tooth enamel chip off, but that is not true.
Earlier, before ultrasonic scalers were invented, dentists used to do scaling by means of airotor handpieces which sometimes affected the tooth enamel. But with the recent instruments that is not a worry anymore.
How often should someone get his/her teeth cleaned?
Ultrasonic scaling is a prophylactic procedure and is suggested that any person should go for a regular scaling at least once a year.
What is the cost of teeth cleaning in Mahim?
Teeth cleaning can cost you anything around 1k to 2k depending on the condition of your teeth and the number of appointments required.
Like, if your stain is calculus is of grade I, it will take a lesser number of appointments. Whereas in case of grade III stains and calculus it will take more time.
If you have any further queries regarding any dental treatment, you can visit us at Suyog dental care and implant centre. We offer every kind of dental treatment under one single roof.